The horrific act of terrorism that took the lives of 50 people in Christchurch on March 15th, 2019 should never be allowed to happen again, never. However, from the loss and pain, an opportunity for the people of New Zealand to take stock and step forward in a more...
The recent horrific events in New Zealand have again highlighted the generosity of many New Zealanders. The acts of kindness and unity we have experienced since members of our NZ community were murdered in Christchurch have reminded me once again of the humanity and...
New Zealand is seeing an influx of migrants from various community groups adding to the traditional population mix of pacific migrants and those of European descent. Changing migration trends for New Zealand New Zealand immigration policy changes since the 1990s have...
Immigration is a changing landscape There are two recent immigration trends that worry me. The recent arrivals of immigrants bringing undesirable traits with them have been greeting more airplay of late. Unfortunately, these immigrants can sometimes overshadow the...
Anti-immigration Policies? Immigration lawyer Kamil Lakshman, of Wellington, leads the discussion at New Zealand’s first immigration symposium in Mosgiel From Otago Daily Times By Chris Morris New...