Skilled Migrant Visa
Skilled Migrant Visa NZ
The Skilled Migrant Category aims to attract skilled migrants who have a proven capacity to contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth: to benefit our country. Skilled Migrant Visas lead to a New Zealand resident visa for candidates who have the skills New Zealand wants and who will settle and contribute to the country through the use of those skills.
This category is how most individuals and families gain New Zealand residency.

New Zealand Immigration Points
A Skilled Migrant Visa NZ is awarded on a points-based system: points are scored under criteria such as age, qualifications, work experience, or a job offer or work experience in areas of nationally recognised skills shortage in New Zealand.
To apply under the Skilled Migrant Category, you go through a two-step process.
This starts with the submission of an Expression Of Interest – EOI: a very long questionnaire aimed at assessing your suitability to meet the requirements. In the EOI you claim points for skills, experience, and other factors.
You must be aged 55 or under, meet standards of health, character, and English language ability before you start the process.
If you amass 6 points or more on your EOI, you can submit it to the pool. EOIs with 6 points or over are automatically selected and the validity of the information is assessed. If the submitted information is deemed credible, the applicant is issued an Invitation to Apply (ITA). You will then have to show proof of the claims made on your EOI. This means medical and police certificates, proof of English language ability, and documentation regarding your wages, skills, experience, and other factors. You will check the information on your EOI and return it to Immigration New Zealand with your documentation.”
“How do I get Immigration Points?”
You can earn points by earning a high income. If you earn 3 times the median wage, you qualify for 6 points. If you earn 2 times the median wage, you qualify for 4 points. And if you earn 1.5 times the median wage, you qualify for 3 points.
You can earn points by Qualification.
If you hold a Level 10 Doctoral Degree, you qualify for 6 points. If you hold a Level 9 Masters Degree, you qualify for 5 points. And if you hold a Level 8 Bachelor Honours Degree or Postgraduate Diploma, you qualify for 4 points. If you hold a Level 8 Postgraduate Certificate or Level 7 Bachelors Degree, you qualify for 3 points.
New Zealand Registration or Certification
Between 6 and 3 points depending on policy.
Skilled Work experience in New Zealand
Three years skilled work experience qualifies you for 3 points. Two years skilled work experience qualifies you for 2 points. One year skilled work experience qualifies you for 1 point.
New Zealand Visa Application
Immigration New Zealand website gives a rosy picture of this process, it appears easy and in fact appears to be a matter of entering data. Yet, according to INZ, over half of all self-assessments are incorrect: applicants overestimate the number of points they might be able to claim in their Expression of Interest.
To avoid being rejected from the pool, we recommend our immigration experts confirm your points score before you submit your Expression of Interest to INZ. The reality is that the vias application process is ridden with fishhooks. Our team are highly skilled and we have the expertise to assist and navigate through the Skilled Migrant Category applications. In our experience, a significant number of EOIs are unsuccessful simply due to a lack of understanding by applicants: incorrect or incomplete information will guarantee a failed application.
Our immigration law experts can help you make the right decisions and apply under the correct criteria. Because reaching the needed level of points is dependent on so many factors, we recommend you seek help if you wish to avoid costly disappointment.
Once your EOI is drawn from the pool, it is examined, and you may be sent an ITA (Invitation To Apply). You will then have to show proof of the claims made on your EOI. This means medical and police certificates, proof of English language ability, and documentation regarding your skills, experience, and other factors. To help your chances, the immigration team at IDESI LEGAL will check the information and return it to Immigration New Zealand with your documentation.
New Zealand Resident Visa
To fulfil immigration requirements, your professional background – qualifications, work experience and job offer – need to be aligned very carefully.
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) makes sure that you meet all requirements and that your points claims are valid. It then assesses you on your ability to settle in New Zealand successfully, which may include an interview. Immigration New Zealand will offer you a resident visa if it believes you will settle successfully and contribute to New Zealand.
If Immigration New Zealand thinks you have the potential to benefit New Zealand but wants to see how you settle in our country, the department may offer a job search visa, which you can use to look for an offer of skilled employment in New Zealand for up to nine months. If you obtain skilled employment and can provide proof you earn more than NZ$49,000 per annum, you will have shown your ability to settle and contribute, and your residence application will be approved.

(PPI) Letter From Immigration New Zealand
If you are applying for a residence visa and have received a Potential Prejudicial Information (PPI) letter from Immigration New Zealand, please get in touch with us today for assistance. We have successfully resolved these cases on numerous occasions.
Our team of immigration, Refugee, and Property lawyers has the expertise to assist with Skilled Migrant Category applications.