Refugee and Asylum Seekers
Refugee and Protection Claim
Each year, New Zealand accepts 750 refugees for resettlement through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), as part of its commitment to being a good international citizen. Idesi Legal can assist with a Refugee Immigration Lawyer.

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Asylum Seekers To New Zealand Applying For New Zealand Residency
New Zealand has signed an international convention that supports the right of people to seek asylum. New Zealand considers claims from asylum seekers who claim refugee status upon arrival in New Zealand. The New Zealand Immigration Department will not deport anyone while their claim is being processed.
New Zealand residents who came to New Zealand as a refugee or protected person may be able to sponsor a family member (and their partner and dependent children) for New Zealand residence.
The Refugee Status Unit (RSU) of Immigration New Zealand deals with the refugee and protection claim. We have the experience and expertise to assist in all refugee asylum applications to the Refugee Status Branch.
Refugee Immigration Lawyer & Legal Aid Provider
Mrs Kamil Lakshman is approved as a civil legal aid provider by the Ministry of Justice. IDESI LEGAL is able to act for refugee clients who have been granted legal aid by the Ministry of Justice.
Legal aid is financial help to pay for legal representation for people who cannot afford a lawyer. Eligibility for legal aid is dependent upon your income and assets, the type of legal dispute you’re involved in, and the merits of your case. People who get legal aid may have to pay a user-charge and repay part or all of their legal aid costs. For more information on how to apply for legal aid please visit the Ministry of Justice website.