Minister for Immigration the Hon Kris Faafoi has made an announcement regarding temporary visa holders. The big news is: Visitor Visas due to expire by 31 October 2020 will have their visa automatically extended for five months from their date of expiry. For...
More occupations eligible for Skilled Migrant Category On 15 July 2020, the following jobs were added to the list of jobs as exception for the purposes of Skilled Migrant Category residence visas. Aged or disabled carer Bicycle mechanic Driller...
Our dreams finally came true after 1 day short of 2 years. Thanks to Kamil and the Idesi team for the support doing this stressful period. It was God who directed us to Idesi! We have quite a story to tell! So here we go: We applied for residency in NZ under the...
Immigration legislation is cause for concern NZ immigration legislation penalises visa applicants for ‘misleading’ information The number of people who have provided misleading information to Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has increased since the...