From 02 October 2020. The process for obtaining a Skills Match Report for the purposes of the Essential Skills Work Visa was changed to make it easier for employers to tell if New Zealanders are available for the work on offer. As per recent policy changes around...
At Idesi Legal we found the following statistics from Immigration New Zealand very interesting. Sharp decline in total arrivals to New Zealand Between February, March and April. In January and February 2020, the total...
NZ resident – to be or not to be? Mao (not his real name) was apprehensive. He was keen to apply for NZ residency under the Skilled Migrant Category. Some of his friends had recently been issued with New Zealand residency, and some had not. He could not...
Officials of the Wellington branch of the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS) regularly meet the NZ Immigration Minister. This provides a platform for the exchange of information and ideas on sound immigration policies. Such meetings also enable the government to apprise...
Immigration legislation is cause for concern NZ immigration legislation penalises visa applicants for ‘misleading’ information The number of people who have provided misleading information to Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has increased since the...